Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Jean!

Dedicated to My Hero ,Jean Ayende Totanes (PrettyJean)
from Quezon City, Philippines. She has been my inspiration
and my rock for 3 years now, ever since the death of my mother.
She has been a role model to the kind of person I only dream of being.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEAN!! I Love You and Thanks for being
the Wind Beneath My Winds! I don't know what I would do without you!
You can find Jean @ Pretty Jean's Blogspot


  1. thnx frend for giving me inspirations to move on and for giving me some enlightenment...GOD BLESS!

  2. I take none of the credit Jean. It all goes to God! I thank Him for giving me such a wonderful friend like you in my life! Love you and I hope you had a wonderful birthday! Take care n God Bless
